

Roommate information for Fall 2022

This will show up blank if you have not selected a room

You do not have any roommates for this semester!

Roommate matching ends once pick a room starts. If you would like to request a roommate, there will be additional dates once the semester has begun. You can select the same room during your room selection.

Interested in Summer Housing? Check out this summer information page.

ID Photo Ready?

Once you have completed your application for Fall 2022 and have your meal plan selected, be sure to upload your photo for your UCA ID. Click here for more information!

Watch this video to see how to apply for UCA Housing.

Timeline for incoming Freshman Students:

April 12 -15 – Freshman Pick a Room.
If you applied after January 31th, applications will be reviewed and assigned a room on the 15th of every month beginning in May.

UCA Housing and Residence Life

To learn more about UCA Housing please visit our website.
Learn about:
Freshman Experience Halls
Uppclassmen and Transfer Housing
Honors College Housing

To see virtual tours of the halls click here.

To View this years student handbook click here.

New Students Applying for Fall 2022:

Students wishing to room together MUST request the same Residence Hall.

Apply between October 1st, 2021 – January 31, 2022 and you will go through the room selection process April 12 -15th. Log on to myUCA >myHousing and select your own room!

If you apply January 31th, 2022 and after, you will be assigned on the 15th of the following month beginning in May based on your preferences pending availability.

You will not be able to search for your roommate until they have completed their housing application. Roommate matches must be accepted in to the same Residential College, Honors, or Freshmen Experience halls.

Your roommate requests must accept your request in myUCA>myHousing before you are considered “matched”. Unmatched roommate groups will not see each other during room selection.


You are about to begin one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences of your college career: living with other students. Living in the residence halls or other campus housing offers you everything you need for college survival, as well as many advantages. You will have convenient access to campus facilities, comfortable living accommodations, and a residence life staff to help you. So, what are you waiting for? Apply now!


The mission of Housing & Residence Life is to positively impact the campus living experience by serving, developing, and supporting students while providing safe and engaging living environments that are technologically advanced and extend learning outside the classroom.